Application Deadlines Students are encouraged to apply as early as possible. UDM cannot assure that admission decisions will be completed for transfer students whose files are incomplete as of August 1 for Term I (Fall), December 1 for Term II (Winter) or April 1 for Summer. Students who plan to seek scholarship and financial aid should apply at lease three months earlier than these admission deadlines to obtain the maximum assistance available.
Special Admissions Program University Academic Services sponsors a limited conditional admission program, University College (UC), for freshman and transfer students who do not meet regular admission criteria but who show potential for academic success. Students are selected for participation in UC through application review and interviews. Students admitted through this process must sign a contract agreeing to specific conditions, and are linked to necessary support services and developmental advising. Students may be referred for consideration for UC after initial evaluation of their files is completed in the Admissions Office.
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The completeness assessment for the exploratory health economics data collection differed from the ITT cohort used in the statistical analysis, and comprised patients meeting the following criteria: those who were randomised and received treatment by 16 March 2017 as per their initial treatment allocation (per-protocol analysis). The generic HRQoL instrument, EQ-5D-5L, was evaluated at the individual domain level [the five domains captured in the EQ-5D-5L are (1) mobility, (2) self-care, (3) usual activities, (4) pain/discomfort and (5) anxiety/depression, with five possible response levels, 1 being no problems and 5 being severe problems] and these were summarised along with the EQ-VAS scores.63 Completeness levels are presented and patient/environment factors, including age and trial centre, were assessed to identify any drivers of incomplete data. For complete cases, EQ-5D-5L profiles were constructed for each time point and transformed into utility scores using the EQ-5D-5L UK population-based preference weights.64 The baseline differences for the utility and EQ-VAS scores were assessed, along with changes from baseline for the follow-up period. These are presented by trial arm. Similar to the statistical analysis of disease-specific HRQoL, differences in utility were analysed up to 12 months post procedure, because most patients in the study had not reached further than this visit at the time of analysis. 2ff7e9595c